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Our Flagship Events :

Annually the International Relations office of BIHER organizes a series of events and initiatives which have been fostering an atmosphere of internationalization. From cross-cultural sharing events to academic activities, the cell continuously creates an atmosphere of constant and regular engagement which provides students with the finest exposure. Through such activities, the cell has been able to develop a constant culture of knowledge sharing through the most creative and innovative ways inspired by a need to promote corporation and common growth amongst students and faculties. The cell believes not only fostering international collaborations, but also in furthering the scope of knowledge in regards to globalization in higher education. To further this purpose, various international conferences, seminars, exhibitions and conclaves are organized which provide enriching comprehensive insights from diverse global perspectives.

Annual International Day :

As a way of promoting internationalization in education amongst representatives from various Universities across the world, the International Relations office hosts and organizes the International Day Exhibition, which is an annual exhibition conducted so as to provide students with an enriching exposure to the endless academic opportunities from universities across the world. The platform also brings for the students a platform for academic counseling so as to develop an in-depth understanding of the various aspects of global higher education.

Past OIR Events :

Our out-bound mobility programs are strategically designed to provide our students and faculties with the most enriching global exposure throughout the academic journey. We organize a series of short term and long-term programs which serve the purpose of facilitating abroad learning platforms in countries such as Russia, Switzerland, Canada, United States of America, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, France, amongst others. These programs do not only provide students and faculties with a unique learning experience, but they also go on to provide a unique cultural and global exposure, in Nations across the world. So, take the first step towards the most full-filling global experience. For registrations email us at director.international@bharathuniv.ac.in , or visit the International Relations office.

Experience IIT Madras
Exclusive event for International Students at IIT Madras campus

The Office of Global Engagement, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) organized an event, “Experience IIT Madras” at IIT Madras campus on 4th February 2023. 17 International Students from BIHER participated in the event, attended by more than 75 International Students from various colleges / Universities. The program was facilitated by the Dean, Prof. Raghunathan Rengaswamy who interacted with the students about the various opportunities of Internship, study & research for international students at IIT Madras.

An Impromptu quiz program was conducted and our BIHER student NEYANTA RAI won the 1st prize in the Quiz.

This was followed by a campus tour arranged by IITM for the students to Experience the atmosphere of the campus.

indo-RussiaProject Russiaindo-Russia
Summer Internship Report (June - July 2019)

Timelines : Start: 29-June 2019 - End: 30- July-2019


Action type:

Project Description
Study Tour Framework

PHASE ONE: PREDEPARTURE PROGRAM The pre-departure program consists of meeting with the student participants and their parents to clarify the intentions of the tour and to inform participants of critical information. Areas that are covered include safety, responsibility, money/currency, appropriate clothing for cold climates, luggage, food, and cultural differences that the student will encounter. This information is important to relay, as there are some students who have never travelled overseas before and perhaps are not aware of certain things that others may see as obvious. Parents are invited to this event, as quite often they can be more anxious than the student involved. For many, this is the first time their son or daughter will be away from home. It is also important to have the parents feel involved.

PHASE TWO: THE STUDY TOUR This section outlines the issues, challenges, benefits and opportunities that a study tour can bring. The tour comprises a four-week mix of relevant industry visits and cultural experiences associated with the disciplines represented. As part of this four-week trip a one-week university based project is completed by each student adding academic rigour to his or her tour experience. The study tour operated on the principle that all the nine students had individual facilitators who mentored them during their stay at the Ural Federal University. The students were exposed to various nuances in their relative field and grabbed every opportunity to excel by demonstrating meticulous performance.

PHASE THREE: POST-TOUR DEBRIEFING The post-tour exhibition also acts as a successful promotional tool for future study tours as new cohorts have the opportunity to see the outcomes of the returning study tour students, giving them a clear understanding of what can be expected if they embark on the tour.

indo-chinaIndo-Japan Cultural Centreindo-china

INDO JAPAN CULTURAL CENTRE was established in BIHER in 2019, to strengthen the Japan-India relations in educational, cultural and economic fields among students. And it’s marching ahead with a grand vision.

In order to make BIHER - IJCC a unique and a Centre of Excellence various activities are conducted in the Centre ,which includes popularizing Japanese art, literature and culture, business practices and management techniques and explore in new areas of cooperation in all aspects of Indo-Japan relations. The Centre itself is actively involved in strengthening linguistic and cultural relations between Japan and India. Special lectures and seminars by Indian and Japanese scholars will be organized from time to time through video conferencing at INDO-JAPAN CULTURAL CENTRE- BIHER or by inviting the Japanese scholars to BIHER-Chennai.

The Centre has organized seminars, workshops and cultural events etc. from time to time to create a new awareness among student community in the university, about the growing importance of Japan in Indian polity, through planned programmes.

Our Main activities:
  • Japanese Language Teaching.
  • Holding cultural functions independently or in association with the Consulate-General of Japan.
  • Conducting Speech Contest for Japanese Language.
  • Preparing and training students for JLPT certification exam.
  • Provided students placement in Japan collaborated companies.
  • Hosting Seminars &Workshop in Japanese Language Education supported by The Japan Foundation.
  • Holding different other functions- Japanese Film Festival, Japanese Night, Japanese Language Speech and Haiku contest.

Japanese Film Festival

Consulate – General of Japan conducted a Japanese Film Festival at VR – Mall on 15th Nov 2019. Japan consulate cultural head – Ms. Megumi Shimada and Mr. Loganathan were the event organizers who was behind this successful event. Almost 50 students actively joined the event, it was a good opportunity for the students to connect with the language and develop their interest in it. They enjoyed watching the movie same time getting to know the culture of native Japanese people. Japan consulate cultural head – Ms. Megumi Shimada and Mr. Loganathan was surprised to see a huge young crowd who showed interest in learning the language. They interacted with students promising to help them with scholarships to study in japan. Students curiously questioned Japanese people who were present in the event and tried to acquire knowledge on their practice and culture.

いろひ (Color Day)

As scheduled in the academic calendar Department of Multi-Linguistics studies conducted IRO-HI on 19/2/2020( Tuesday). More than 150 students actively participated and won prizes in various events .I thank Dr.Manikandan first year HOD, Dr. Mani civil HOD, Prof. Dayakar civil department, Mr.Praveen kumar MBA HOD for gracing the occasion with their presence and judging winners for Origami, Lantern making and anime quiz. I also thank Dean S&H for his support. The students were highly motivated by the speech shared by the dignitaries.

Upcoming OIR Events :

Virtual Exchange Programs

With the growing trends in digital technology, the International Relations office of BIHER has taken an innovative approach to higher education by incorporating virtual exchange programs. The programs are designed to act as a common platform for learning and knowledge sharing for the students and faculties across the world. The cell organizes a series of virtual programs across various digital learning platforms. Through such programs the students and faculties and experts share their insights in the various fields of academia with a global standard. These platforms bring together various global experts and resource persons through the most convenient channels of learning.

International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations          faculty exchange program Russia     International Relations BIHER     Education fair British Council     IDP          Ural Russia     Ural Russia     Ural Russia