AKIF Special Event

AKIF Special Event

        The 4th memorial day of our former President of India, Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam International Foundation (AKIF) orgonized a special event at House of Kalam, Rameshwaram.

        On 20th june 2019, six of our research cubes launched to space by NASA’s Wallopse launch facility. In this regards AKIF identified and recognised the students effort. They considered it for ASSIST WORLD RECORDS and presented it to the team lead Mr. Anand, JRF Aero.

        ALSO Two team of students( Ujwal sing, Abijith sarkar, Pranay Gopal of 4th year Aero and Gurushankar, Yoga Balaji, Nikhil, NAGA Saikiramani and Navya from 3rd year aero) participated in research product presentation. Both the team demonstrated their environment related projects. Out of five final projects selected both of our projects got selected. All the students received the apriciation certificate from the district Collector.

        At this moment department of Aeronautical Engineering express its heartfelt thanks to the Management, supporters, well wishes and expecting more blessings for the future achievements.

AKIF Special Event