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Vision Book 2025 MBA Download
Evaluation System
  • The Evaluation process has been developed based on objective and scientific guidelines with due importance to continuous Internal Assessments and Term End Examinations. This is to ensure that the learners get a fair chance of proving their mettle in different platforms of evaluation
  • The complete academic performance of a student is evaluated by Internal / External Examinations. In the case of practical / project work where an external Examiner shall be appointed by the university for evaluation / viva voce.
  • The student performance in each course is evaluated based on in-semester assessment and end semester examination. The maximum marks for any course will be 100 comprising of 30 marks for Internal Assessment and 70 marks for the end semester examinations.

Evaluation Ratio:

Courses Internal Assessment End Semester
Theory 30 70
Grading System

(a) Letter Grades and Grade Points (GP)

Based on the semester performance, each student is awarded a final letter grade at the end of the semester in each Course. The letter grades and the corresponding grade points are as follows:

Grade Grade Points
O 10
A+ 9
A 8
B+ 7
B 6
C 5
P 4
F 0 (Fail Grade)
Ab Absent

(b) A student is considered to have completed a Course successfully or achieved a pass grade and earned the credits if he / she secure a letter grade other than “F” or “Ab” in that Course. A letter grade “F” or “Ab” in any Course implies a failure in that Course.

(c) A Course successfully completed cannot be repeated.

Award of Letter Grade:
  • All assessment of course will be done on absolute marks basis. However for the purpose of the reporting the performance of a student, letter grades, each carrying certain points, will be awarded as per the range of total marks (out of 100) obtained by the student as detailed below.
Letter Grade Grade Points Range of Total Marks
O (Outstanding) 10 91 – 100
A+ (Excellent) 9 81 – 90
A (Very Good) 8 71 – 80
B+ (Good) 7 61 – 70
B (Above Average) 6 51 – 60
C (Average) 5 41 – 50
P (Pass) 4 40
F (Fail) 0 40 Failure due to Insufficient marks in the course
Ab (Absent) 0 Failure due to non-appearance in the examination
Eligibility for the Award of the Degree:

A Student shall be declared to be eligible for the award of the Degree provided if,

  • The student has successfully completed the course requirements and has passed all the prescribed examinations in all the six semesters within the maximum duration
  • No disciplinary action is pending against him/her.